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Judgments October 2023

Date of Judgment Case No. Parties Judgment by Keywords (Laws, Provisions & terms) Legislation Document
2023-Oct-31 SC/APPEAL/2/2021 Hettiarachchige Dominic Marx Perera No. 276/B/45/A, Morawake Watta, Pahalabomiriya, KaduwelaPlaintiff –Appellant-Petitioner –Appellant Vs.1) Kuruwita Arachchige Mulin Perera (Deceased)1A) Kuruwita Arachchige Jeramious Perera (Deceased), No. 542, Nungamugoda, Kalaniya1A1) Jayasoorya Kuranage Mary Magilin Daisy Perera, No.542, Nungamugoda, Kalaniya1B) Kuruwita Arachchige Violet Perera (Deceased).No. 184, Hospital Junction, Akaegama1B1)Haputhanthige Don Thilitha Dorin, No.184, Hospital Junction.AkegamaParty sought to be substituted as 1B1 substituted Defendant –Respondent –Respondent –Respondent1C) Leela Thilakarathne, No.636, Sri Vijaya Mawatha, Arawwala, Pannipitiya 71D)Kuruwita Arachchige Sandya Chandani Perera, No.33 Maheshi Uyana, Kahathuduwa, Polgasowita1E)Kuruwita Arachchige Thamara Dinadari Perera, No.708, Ambillawatta Road, Katuwawala Mawatha, Boralasgamuwa1F)Kuruwita Arachchige Jayalatha Perera, No.638, Sri Vikaya Mawatha, Arawwala, Pannipitiya1G)Kuruwita Arachchige Ranil Sanatha Kuamara Perera, HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an Application in the Supreme Court of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for special leave under Article 128(2) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2023-Oct-31 SC/FR/192/2019 Jebarajes Krishnamoorthy neeKumarasingam, 8B, Nalandarama Road, Nugegoda.Petitioner1.Dharmasena Dissanayake, Chairman, Public Services Commission.1a. Hon. Justice Jagath Balapatabendi, Chairman, Public Services Commission.2.Prof. Hussain Ismail, Member, Public Services Commission.2a. Indrani Sugathadasa, Member, Public Services Commission.3.Sudharma Karunarathna, Member, Public Services Commission.3a.V. Shivagnanasothy, Member, Public Services Commission. 24. Dr. Prathap Ramanujan, Member, Public Services Commission.4a. T.R.C. Ruberu, Member, Public Service Commission. 5. V.Jegarasasingam, Member, Public Services Commission.5a. Ahamod Lebbe Mohamed Saleem, Member, Public Services Commission. 6. G.S.A.De Silva, Member, Public Services Commission.6a. Leelasena LiyanagamaMember, Public Services Commission. 7. S. Ranugge, Member, Public Services Commission. 7a. Dian Gomes, Member, Public Services Commission.8. D.Laksiri Mendis, Member, Public Services Commission.8a. Dilith Jayaweera, Member, 3Public Services Commission.9. HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC,J In the matter of an application under and in terms of Articles 17 & 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in respect of violation and/or imminent violation of Articles 12(1) and 14(1)(g) of the Constitution.
2023-Oct-31 SC/FR/546/2012 CaptainAmbawalageDammika Senaratne De Silva, No.74, Jayasumanarama Road, Rathmalana.PETITIONER-Vs-1. Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya, Commander of Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Army Headquarters, Colombo 011A. A.W.J.C. De Silva (RWP.USP)Commander of Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Army Headquarters, Colombo 01.1B. Lieutenant General N.U.M.M.W. SenanayakeRWP. RSP.USP.PSCCommander of Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Army Headquarters Colombo1C. Lieutenant General N.U.M.M.W. SenanayakeRWP. RSP.USP.PSCCommander of Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Army Headquarters Colombo1.1D. Lieutenant General Shavendra SilvaCommander of Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Army Headquarters, Colombo 1.1E. Lieutenant General H.L.V.M Liyanage (RWP.RSP.ndu)Commander of Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Army Headquarters, Colombo 1.2. Lieutenant Colonel Ediriweera, Regimental Headquarters, 20thSri Lanka Infantry, Panagoda.3. Regimental Centre Commandant, 20thSri Lanka Light Infantry, Regimental Headquarters, Panagoda4. Major G.S.M. Perera, Chairman of the Court of Inquiry held against. HON. S. THURAIRAJA, PC, J. In the matter of an application under and in terms of Article 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2023-Oct-31 SC/APPEAL/50A/2013 Bank of CeylonFormerly at No. 04, Bank of Ceylon Mawatha, Colombo 01And presently at, ‘BOC Square’No. 01, Bank of Ceylon Mawatha, Colombo 01 Respondent-Petitioner-Appellant-Vs-Jaqa Lanka International (Pvt) LtdNo. 46/1, Fife Road, Colombo 05. Petitioner-Respondent HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an application for Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka under and in terms of Article 128(2) of the Constitution read with the Supreme Court Rules of 1990 and Section 5(2) of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act, No. 10 of 1996.
2023-Oct-31 SC/APPEAL/144/2019 Ven. Aludeniye Subodhi Thero, Chief Incumbent, Seruwila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya, Seruwila. Party sought to be substituted in place of the deceased 4th Defendant-Respondent-Respondent Ven. Munhene Meththarama Thero. PETITIONERVs.1.Ven. Kotapola Amarakiththi Thero, Seruwila Buddhist Center, Shanthi Foundation, Bauddhaloka Mw, Colombo 07. 1stDEFENDANT-PETITIONER-APPELLANT-RESPONDENT 2.R.P.Sooriyapperuma, Chairman, SeruwilaMangala Maha Chaithyawardena Samithiya, SeruwilaAnd No.318/8, Shanthiwatta, Siyambalape. 3.G.P. Mataraarachchi, Secretary, Seruwila Mangala Maha Chaithyawardena Samithiya, SeruwilaAnd No. 46, Madigodallawatta, Ruwanwella.4.Liyanage Jayathunge Perera, Co-Secretary, Seruwila Mangala Maha Chaithyawardena Samithiya, SeruwilaAndNo 330/30, Pulliadi, Trincomalee. PLAINTIFF-RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT-RESPONDENTS1.Kapugollewe Anandakiththi Thero, Seruwila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya, Seruwila And 3Jayasumanaramaya, Trincomalee. 2.Kithalagama Dhammalankara Thero, Seruwila Mangala Raja Maha Viharaya, Seruwi HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an Application for Leave to Appeal under Section 5C of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act No. 54 of 2006
2023-Oct-31 SC/FR/338/2011 Colombage Dona Bandulani Basnayake, No. 128, Helweesiyawatte, Narammala.PetitionerVs. 1.Sunil Hettiarachchi, Secretary, Ministry of Education, “Isurupaya”, Pannipitiya Road, Battaramulla.1A.Prof. K. Kapila C. K. Perera, Secretary, Ministry of Education, “Isurupaya”, Pannipitiya Road, Battaramulla.1B.Nihal Ranasinghe, Secretary, Ministry of Education, “Isurupaya”, Pannipitiya Road, Battaramulla.2.Dharmasena Dissanayake, Chairman, Public Service Commission of Sri Lanka, No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05.Page 2of 152A.Jagath Balapatabendi, Chairman, Public Service Commission of Sri Lanka, No. 1200/9, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla.3. A. Salam Abdul Waid, Member.3A.Indrani Sugathadasa, Member.4.D. Shirantha Wijetilake, Member.4A.V. Shivagnanasothy, Member.4B.Suntharam Arumainayaham, Member.5.Dr. Prathap Ramanujam, Member.5A.T. R. C. Ruberu, Member.6.V. Jegarasasingam, Member.6A.Ahamed Lebbe Mohamed Saleem, Member.7.Santi Nihal Seneviratne, Member.7A.Leelasena Liyanagama, Member.Page 3of 158.S. Ranugge, Member.8A.Dian HON. JANAK DE SILVA, J In the matter of an application under and in terms of Article 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
2023-Oct-31 SC/APPEAL/45/2013 & 44/2013 1A. Margaret Lokubadusuriya, No. 51, Spring Valley Road, Badulla.1B. Tennakoon Mudiyanselage Shalika, No. 74, Badulusirigama, Badulla.1C. Tennakoon Mudiyanselage Sujeewa, No. 70, Passara Road, Hindagoda, Badulla. 1D. Tennakoon Mudiyanselage Saman Wasantha Kumara, No 03, Spring Valley Road, Hindagoda, Badulla.Substituted-Defendant-Respondent-Petitioner-AppellantsVs. Nimal Dhammika Jayaweera, No. 05, Spring Valley Road, Hindagoda, Badulla.Plaintiff-Petitioner-Respondent-Respondent HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an application for Leave to Appeal under and in terms of Section 5C of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act No. 54 of 2006
2023-Oct-30 SC/APPEAL/191/2017 1.M.H.SamanWijesekera2.V.ChithranideSilvaJayasuriyaAllatNo.190/3, PeterDePereraMawatha, DutugamunuStreet, Kohuwala.1stand2ndDefendants-Appellants-Petitioners-AppellantsVs.ThePeople’sBankNo.75, SirChittampalamA.GardierMawatha, Colombo02.Plaintiff-Respondent-Respondent-RespondentAnd3.ChamilaDilanthiWijesekeraNo.29, JambugasmullaMawatha, Nugegoda.3rdDefendant-Appellant-Respondent-Respondent HON. K. KUMUDINI WICKREMASINGHE,J. In the matter of an Application for Leave to Appeal under and interms of the Provisions of Section 5C of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act No.19 of 1990 as amended ,read with Article154P of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of SriLanka
2023-Oct-30 SC/FR/556/2009 Niluka Dissanayake, Attorney-at-Law, No. 218, Basement, Hulftsdorp Street, Colombo 12On behalf of Captain Ambawalage Dammika, Senaratne de Silva of 74, Jayasumanarama Road, Ratmalana.Currently held at the Polhengoda Military Police Headquarters.PetitionerVs. 1.Major Mahesh Kumara, Sri Lanka Military Police Corps, Military Police Headquarters, Sri Lanka Army, Polhengoda.2.Colonel Etipola, SS, Commanding Officer, Military Police Headquarters, Sri Lanka Army, Polhengoda SC/FR Application No. 556/200923.FernandoOfficer of Sri Lanka Military Police Military Police Headquarters, Sri Lanka Army, Polhengoda.4.Provost-Marshal DiasOfficer of Sri Lanka Military Police Military Police Headquarters, Sri Lanka Army, Polhengoda.5.Colonel Ediriweera, Commanding Officer, Sri Lanka Army, Alampilli Mulativu Camp, Mulativu.6.Army Commander, Sri Lanka Army Headquarters, Colombo 01.7.Hon. Attorney GeneralAttorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Respondents HON. PRIYANTHA JAYAWARDENA PC, J In the matter of an Application under and in terms of Article 126 of the Constitution.
2023-Oct-27 SC/FR/237/2013 C.S. Niles16Village Drive, Quincy MA, 02169, USA.PetitionerVs.1.Commander of the ArmyArmy Headquarters, Colombo03.1AGeneral Shavendra SilvaCommander of the ArmyArmyHeadquarters, Sri Jayawardenepura, Colombo.2.Commanding OfficerSecurity Forces, Jaffna Division, Palaly.2A.Major General W.L.P.W. PereraCommanding OfficerSecurity Forces, Jaffna Division, Palaly.3.Chief Co-ordinatorCivil Affairs Unit, Sri Lanka SecurityForces, Hospital Road, Jaffna. 4.The Secretary-Ministry of Defence and Urban Development, S.C. (FR)No. 237/20132No. 15/5, Baladaksha Mawatha, Colombo 03.4A.General G.D.H. Kamal Gunaratne(Retd.)The Secretary-Ministry of Defence and State Ministryof National Security, Home Affairsand DisasterManagement, No. 15/5, Baladaksha Mawatha, Colombo 03.5.Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’sDepartment, Colombo 12.6.Divisional Secretary-JaffnaJaffna Town-West, G.S. Division J/73, Divisional Secretariat, Main Street, Chundikuli, Jaffna.(Opposite St. John ‘sCollege Jaffna).6A.Mr. Kanapathipillai MahesanDivisional Secret HON. ACHALA WENGAPPULI, J Inthe matter of an application underand in terms of Article17 and 126of the Constitutionof the DemocraticSocialist Republic of SriLanka
2023-Oct-27 SC/FR/238/2013 ThevanayakiKunanayagamNo.25, 42ndLane, Wellawatta.PetitionerVs.1.Commander of the ArmyArmy Headquarters, Colombo03.1AGeneral Shavendra SilvaCommander of the ArmyArmyHeadquarters, Sri Jayawardenepura, Colombo.2.Commanding OfficerSecurity Forces, Jaffna Division, Palaly.2A.Major General W.L.P.W. PereraCommanding OfficerSecurity Forces, Jaffna Division, Palaly.3.Chief Co-ordinatorCivil Affairs Unit, Sri Lanka SecurityForces, S.C. (FR)No. 238/20132Hospital Road, Jaffna. 4.The Secretary-Ministry of Defence and Urban Development, No. 15/5, Baladaksha Mawatha, Colombo 03.4A.General G.D.H. Kamal Gunaratne (Retd.)The Secretary-Ministry of Defence and State Ministryof National Security, Home Affairsand DisasterManagement, No. 15/5, Baladaksha Mawatha, Colombo 03.5.Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’sDepartment, Colombo 12.6.Divisional Secretary-JaffnaJaffna Town-West, G.S. Division J/73, Divisional Secretariat, Main Street, Chundikuli, Jaffna.(Opposite St. John ‘sCollege Jaffna).6A.Mr. KanapathipillaiMahesanDivisional Se HON. ACHALA WENGAPPULI, J. Inthe matter of an application under and in terms of Article17 and 126of the Constitutionof the DemocraticSocialist Republic of SriLanka.
2023-Oct-27 SC/FR/236/2013 S. Amirthanathan 60, Cascade St. XBalwyn North, VIC 3104, Australia.Petitioner1.Commander of the ArmyArmy Headquarters, Colombo03.1AGeneral Shavendra SilvaCommander of the ArmyArmyHeadquarters, Sri Jayawardenepura, Colombo.2.Commanding OfficerSecurity Forces, Jaffna Division, Palaly.2A.Major General W.L.P.W. PereraCommanding OfficerSecurity Forces, Jaffna Division, Palaly.S.C. (FR)No. 236/201323.Chief Co-ordinator, Civil Affairs Unit, Sri Lanka SecurityForces, Hospital Road, Jaffna. 4.The Secretary-Ministry of Defence and Urban Development, No. 15/5, Baladaksha Mawatha, Colombo 03.4A.General G.D.H. Kamal Gunaratne (Retd.)The Secretary-Ministry of Defence and State Ministryof National Security, HomeAffairsand DisasterManagement, No. 15/5, Baladaksha Mawatha, Colombo 03.5.Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12.6.Divisional Secretary-JaffnaJaffna Town-West, G.S. Division J/73, Divisional Secretariat, Main Street, Chundikuli, Jaffna.(Opposite St. John ‘sCollege Jaffna).6A.Mr. Kanapathipillai M HON. ACHALA WENGAPPULI, J. Inthe matter of an application under and in terms of Articles17 and 126of theConstitutionof the DemocraticSocialist Republic of SriLanka
2023-Oct-24 SC/APPEAL/69/2016 3.Charitha Samiddhi Dewapura, No. 34, 33rdLane, Colombo 06. 4.Sumith Devapura, No. 41/1B, Kawdana Road, Attidiya Road, Dehiwela.DEFENDANT-PETITIONERS-APPELLANTSVs. I.M.D. Bandara, No. 10/3B, ‘Amila’Ranawakawatta Road, Kalalgoda, Pannipitiya. PLAINTIFF-RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an Application for Leave to Appeal against the Judgementdated 10.10.2014 in Case No. WP/HCCA/COL/06/2014 under and in terms of Section 5(c)(1) of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, No. 54 of 2006.
2023-Oct-24 SC/FR/221/2015 Hon. Buwaneka Aluwihare, PC. J
2023-Oct-24 SC/FR/120/2019 Peduru Arachchige Tiuska Pushpa Weerasinghe, No. 107/A, Kanatta Road, Mirihana, Nugegoda. PETITIONER -Vs-1.Sirimewan Dias, Chairman, Land Reform Commission, No. 475, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 1a. Nilantha Wijesinghe, Chairman, Land Reform Commission, No. 475, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 2.K.AK. Ranjith Dharmapala, Acting Chairman, Land Reform Commission, No. 475, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. .P.B. Ruwan Pathirana, Executive Director, Land Reform Commission, No. 475, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 3a. Pathmika Mahanama Thilakarathne, Executive Director, Land Reform Commission, No. 475, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 4.R.M.C.M Herath, Director General, Land Reform Commission, No. 475, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 4a. W.M.W Weerakoon, Director General, Land Reform Commission, No. 475, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 5.K.D.R Olga, Director General, Finance Department, Land Reform Commission, No. 475, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 6.U.G Rathnasiri, Additional Secretary, Ministry of National Policies and HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an application under and in terms of Article 126 read with Article 17 of the Constitution of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2023-Oct-24 SC/FR/91/2018 1.W.A.A.S. Darmasiri, No. 266/2, Kosgahagoda, Boralu Wewa.2.H. R. Suranjith, No. 97 ½, Brukkwaththa, Hewagama, Kaduwela. 3.M.M.U. Maduranga, “Sellika”, Godauda, Kottegoda. Petitioners-Vs-1.Thusitha Kularathna, Chairman, Western Province Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority, No, 89, “Ranmagapaya”, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 1A. Prasanna Sanjeewa, Chairman, Western Province Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority, No, 89, “Ranmagapaya”, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla.2.Prasanna Kumara Madawala, Acting Deputy General Manager (Finance), 2Western Province Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority, No. 89, “Ranmagapaya”, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 3.Jagath Perera, General Manager, Western Province Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority, No. 89, “Ranmagapaya”, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 4.Western Province Provincial Road Passenger Transport Authority, No. 89, “Ranmagapaya”, Kaduwela Road, Battaramulla. 5.Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Respondents HON. ALUWIHARE, PC J. In the matter of an application under and in terms of Article 17 and Article 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
2023-Oct-24 SC/FR/393/2010 Gunarathinam ManivannanThiru Murikandi Pillayar Kovil, Thiru MurikandiMore recently ofNo.20/10, Housing Scheme, Kanakambikai Kulam, Kilinochchi.PETITIONERVs.1.Honourable D.M.Jayaratne, M.PPrime Minister and Minister of Buddhist and Religious Affairs 135, Anagarika Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 00700.1A. Honourable D.M.SwaminadanMinister of Resettlement, Reconstruction and Hindu Religious AffairsNo.146, Galle Road, Colombo 00300.2.Shanthi ThirunavukkarasuDirector, Department of Hindu Cultural Affairs, No.248 1/1, Galle Road, Colombo 00400.2A. A.Uma MageshwaranDirector, Department of Hindu Cultural Affairs, No.248 1/1, Galle Road, Colombo 00400.3.Major General (Retd) M.A.ChandrasiriGovernor-Northern Province, Jaffna.3A. H M GS PalihakkaraGovernor-Northern Province, Jaffna.3B. Mr. Reginold CoorayGovernor-Northern Province, Jaffna.4.Puthukudiruppu Pradeshya Sabha, PuthukkudiruppuReplacing, Mullaitivu Pradeshya Sabha, Mullaitivu5.Emelda SukumarGoverment Agent, Mullaitivu.5A. N VethanayagamGovernment Agent, Mullaitivu.5B.Rup HON. S. THURAIRAJA, PC, J In the matter of an application under and in terms of Articles 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
2023-Oct-24 SC/RULE/6/2021 H.M.B.P. Herath, Secretary, Presidential Commission of Inquiry to Investigate and Inquire into and Report or take Necessary Action on the Bomb Attackson 21stApril 2019, 1stFloor, Block No. 05, Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07. COMPLAINANTVs. Nizam Mohammad Shameem, Attorneys-at-Law, 104 C, Godawaththa Road, Godapitiya, Akuressa.RESPONDENT HON. ALUWIHARE, PC J. In the matter of a Rule in terms of Section 42(2) of the Judicature Act No. 02 of 1978 against Mr. Nizam Mohammed Shameem, Attorney-at-Law.
2023-Oct-24 SC/APPEAL/64/2023 The Director General, Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption, No. 36, Malalasekara Mawatha, Colombo 07. COMPLAINANT-RESPONDENT- APPELLANT vs. Chandana Chithral Kariyawasam, No. 494/4, Hirimbura Road, Kahaduruwawatte, Galle. ACCUSED-APPELLANT- RESPONDENT HON. P. PADMAN SURASENA, J.
2023-Oct-20 SC/FR/112/2017 Mohamed Hashim Mohamed Ziyard, 204, Waragashinna, Akurana.Petitioner Vs.1.Mr.Anura Dissanayake, Director General, Mahaweli Authority ofSri Lanka, No.500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10.ADDED1A.SubasingheMudiyanselageGotabhaya Jayarathne, Director General.ADDED1B.Rupasinghe ArachchilageRohanRatnasiriActing Director General, ADDED1C.Sarath Chandrasiri Vithana, Director GeneralADDED1D.Dissanayake M. S. Dissanayake, Director GeneralADDED1E.Bulathsinghaarachchilage Sunil Shantha PereraADDED1F.KeerthiBandara KotagamaDirector General, Mahaweli Authority ofSri Lanka, No.500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10.S.C. (FR)No. 112/201722.D.A. Asantha Gunasekera, Director(Lands), MahaweliAuthority ofSri Lanka, No.500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10.ADDED2A.ChistiePerera, Director (Lands)ADDED2B.Eranthika W. Kualratne.Director (Lands), Mahaweli Authority ofSri Lanka, No.500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10.03.I.M.U.K. Kumara, Resident Project Manager, Officeof the ResidentProjectManager System H, Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, Tambuttegama.ADD HON. ACHALA WENGAPPULI, J. Inthe matter of an applicationunder Articles 17 and 126 of the Constitution
2023-Oct-20 SC/APPEAL/67/2021 Inoka Uthpalani KaluarachchieEttiwatta, Hettimulla.DEFENDANT-RESPONDENT-PETITIONERvs. Abdul Kareem NizarNo.30/4Galkanda Lane, Aniwaththa, Kandy.PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT-RESPONDENT HON. S. THURAIRAJA, PC, J In the matter of an applicationforAppealfrom anOrder of theHigh Court of Civil Appeal of the Central Province Holden in Kandydated 11thDecember 2020in HCCA Kandy Case No. CP/HCCA/KAN/80/2017(FA), under the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act No. 54 of 2006 and Article 128 read with Article 154P of the Constitution.
2023-Oct-19 SC/APPEAL/97/2011 Matilda Herathge, of No. 1118F, Jayawardena Avenue, Matugama Road, Nagoda, DodamgodaPlaintiff –Petitioner –AppellantVs.Halowita Arachchige Dayananda, of No. 1118E, Jayawardena Avenue, Matugama Road, Nagoda, DodamgodaDefendant-Respondent-Respondent HON. E. A. G. R. AMARASEKARA, J In the matter of an Application for Leave to Appeal against Judgment dated 01/03/2011 delivered by the High Court of Western Province exercisingcivil appellate jurisdiction at Kalutara in WP/HCCA/Kalutara/02/2010 (Revision) D.C. Kalutara 5350/L.
2023-Oct-16 SC/FR/349/2014 Wasana Niroshini Wickrama, School Road, Dodampapitiya, Uthumgama, Mathugama.PetitionerVs.1.Nalaka, Acting Officer-in-Charge.2.A.A.K.S.Adhikari, Officer-in-Charge.Both of; Welipenna Police Station, Welipenna.3.N.K. Illangakoon, Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 01.3(A). PujithJayasundara, Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 01.24.Hon. Attorney General, Attorney-General’s Department, Colombo 12.Respondents HON. K. PRIYANTHA FERNANDO, J In the matter of an Application and in terms of Articles 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
2023-Oct-13 SC/EXP/2/2021 Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thero, Sadaham Sewana, Gothami Road, Rajagiriya PETITIONERVs.01Ape Janabala Pakshaya, No. 15/27, Adagala Watta, Wellava Road, Kurunegala02.Nishantha Ratnayake, General Secretary, Ape Janabala Pakshaya, No. 15/27, Adagala Watta, Wellava Road, Kurunegala03.Saman Perera, Chairman, Ape Janabala Pakshaya, No. 15/27, Adagala Watta, Wellava Road, Kurunegala 204.Samantha Keerthi Bandara, General Secretary, Wijaya Dharani National Council, GothamiRoad, Rajagiriya05.Nimal Punchihewa, Chairman, Election Secretariat, Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya06.G.S.B. Divaratne, Member, Election Secretariat, Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya07.M.M. Mohomed, Member, Election Secretariat, Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya08.K.P.P.Pathirana, Member, Election Secretariat, Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya09.Member, Election Secretariat, Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya 10.Saman Sri Ratnayake, CommissionerGeneral of Elections, Election Secretariat, Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya11.Dhammika Dasanayaka, Secretary General of Parliament, Parliamentof Sri Lanka, SriJayawardenapura, Ko HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J n the matter of an application under and in terms of the Proviso to Article 99(13)(a) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2023-Oct-13 SC/APPEAL/232/2016 Rambukkanage Lesman Fernando De Soyza Road, Molpe, Moratuwa. DEFENDANT-RESPONDENT-APPELLANTVs.Lindamulage Paul Jesudasa De Silva, No. 508/1, De Soyza Road, Molpe, Moratuwa. PLAINTIFF-PETITIONER-RESPONDENT HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an Application for Leave to Appeal in terms of Article 128of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,read with Section 5C of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act No. 19 of 1990 as amended by the Act, No. 54 of 2006.
2023-Oct-13 SC/CHC APPEAL/37/2011 Pan Arch Architecture (Pvt) Limited, 19-D, Ocean Tower, Station Road, Colombo 4. Plaintiff – Appellant vs (1)Neat Lanka (Pvt) Limited, 47A Prince Street, Colombo 11. And also at No. 50 1/11, Colombo Plaza, Wellawatte. (2)Neat Property Developers (Pvt) Limited, 51, Vipulasena Mawatha, Colombo 10. Defendants – Respondents HON. ARJUNA OBEYESEKERE, J In the matter of an appeal under Section 5(1) of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act No. 10 of 1996 read together with Section 6 thereof, Sections 754(1), 755(3) and 758 of the Civil Procedure Code and Article 128 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
2023-Oct-12 SC/APPEAL/89/2019 1.DFCC Bank PLC, (Formerly DFCC VardhanaBank Limited), No. 73, W.A.D Ramanayake Mawatha, Colombo 02. 2ND DEFENDNT-RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT-APPELLANT Vs. 1.Pepiliyanage Sriyani Manjula Perera alias Pepiliyane Sriyani Manjula Perera Tennakoon, No. 74/1/B, Bomaluwa Road, Watapuluwa, Kandy.1STDEFENDANT-PETITIONER-APPELLANT-RESPONDENT2.Karawita Aarachchige Nihal, No. 22A, Dumindu Mawatha, Watapuluwa Housing Scheme, Kandy. PLAINTIFF-RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT HON. P. PADMAN SURASENA, J In the matter of an appeal in terms of section 5 C of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act No. 19 of 1990 as amended by Act No. 54 of 2006.
2023-Oct-11 SC/WRIT/7/2020 A.L.M. Athaullah, Secretary General, National Congress, South Road, Akkaraipattu 01Petitioner, Mr. Mahinda Deshapriya, Chairman, Election Commission.2.Mr. N. J. Abeysekara, Member, Election Commission.3.Professor Ratnajeevan Hoole, Member, Election Commission.All ofElection Commission, Election Secretariat, Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya. 4.Mr. J. S. D. M. Asanka Abeywardana, Returning Officer, Electoral District of Trincomalee, District Secretariat, Trincomalee. 5.Mr. G. G. Ponnambalam, Secretary, 2Ahila Ilankai Thamil Congress, ‘Congress House’, No. 120, Main Street, Jaffna. 6.Mr. S. Arokkiyanayakam, Secretary, Akhila Ilankai Tamil Mahasabha, No. 53, Pulavu Road, Sampativu, Trincomalee. 7.Mr. K. Thurairasasingham, Secretary, IlankaiThamil Arasu Katchi, No. 30, Martin Road, Jaffna.8.Mr. Douglas Devananda, Secretary, Ealam People’s Democratic Party, No. 9/3, Station Road, Colombo 04. 9.Mr. Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, Secretary, United National Party, ‘Sirikotha’, No. 400, Kotte Road, Pitakotte.10.Rev.BattaramulleSeelarathanaTh HON. ALUWIHARE, PC J. In the matter of an Application for Writs in the nature of Certiorari and Mandamus under and in terms of Article 140 read with Article 104H of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2023-Oct-11 SC/APPEAL/96/2010 Akmeemana Mahanama Gamage Therabaya Gunasekara, of Mabotuwana Road, Wanduramba. 4Plaintiff-Appellant-PetitionerVs. 1.Lokunarangodage David De Silva, of Pallewatte, Wanduramba. 2.Babynona Gunasekara, of Haputantrigewatte, Wanduramba.(Deceased)2A. Akmeemana Gamage Maithreepala Gunasekara3.Akmeemana Gamage Sriyalatha Gunasekara4.Akmeemana Gamage Sunil Palitha Gunasekara5.AkmeemanaGamage Gamini Gunasekara6.Akmeemana Gamage Chandranee Gunasekara7.Akmeemana Gamage Gnanatilaka Gunasekara(Deceased) 57A. Akmeemana Gamage Maithreepala Gunasekara8.Akmeemana Gamage Maithreepala GunasekaraAll of ‘Chitral’, Haputantrigewatte, Wanduramba.Defendant-Respondent-Respondents HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an Application for Special Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court against Judgment of the Court of Appeal delivered on 04/06/2010 in C. A. Appeal No. 1185/95 (F) D.C. Galle No. 9180/P.
2023-Oct-11 SC/APPEAL/74/2021 1.Upul Chaminda Perera KumarasingheNo. 3/C, Gangarama Road, Kovinna, Andiambalama. 2.Airport City Club Hotel Ltd., No. 3/C, Gangarama Road, Kovinna, Andiambalama. PLAINTIFF-APPELLANTS -Vs-Pan Asia Banking Corporation PC, No. 450, Galle Road, 2Colombo 03. Having its Branch Office at No. 71, Negombo Road, Ja-Ela. DEFENDANT-RESPONDENT HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an Application for Special Leave to Appeal under Article 128(2) of the Constitution read with the provisions of the High Court of Provinces (Special Provisions) Act, No. 10 of 1996.
2023-Oct-11 SC/APPEAL/85/2016 & 86/2016 Vadivel MaheswaranNo. 60/08, Sinna Uppodai, Batticaloa. APPLICANT-RESPONDENT-PETITIONER VS. 3.Bank of Ceylon, Head Office, Colombo.4.Bank of Ceylon, Batticaloa. RESPONDENTS-APPELLANTS-RESPONDENTS HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC, J In the matter of an Application for Special Leave to Appeal and/or Leave to Appeal from an order of the Provincial High Court of the Eastern Province dated 6 June 2014, in terms of the Industrial Disputes Act and the High Court of the Provinces Act read with the Rules of the Supreme Court.
2023-Oct-10 SC/APPEAL/131/2011 Illandari Devage Jayathilake, Ginihigama South, Pepiliyawala. Plaintiff-Appellant-Petitioner1.Illandari Devage Karunawathie, 2.Batepolage Dayaratne, Both ofNo.205/2, Ginihigama South, PepiliyawalaDefendants-Respondents-Respondents HON. K. PRIYANTHA FERNANDO, J In the matterof an application forleave to appeal under section 5 C of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act No.54 of 2006
2023-Oct-06 SC/APPEAL/131/2017 Badulpe Ramani Sepalika Pathirange, No. 196/9, Millange Kumbura, Ranawana, Katugasthota.SUBSTITUTED-APPLICANT-RESPONDENT-APPELLANTvs. People’s Bank, No.75, Sri Chiththampalam A. Gardner Mw, Colombo 02. RESPONDENT-APPELLANT-RESPONDENT HON. S. THURAIRAJA, PC, J In the matter of an application for special leave to appeal in terms of Article 154(p) of the Constitution read with Section 31DD of the Industrial Disputes Act (as amended) and Section 9 of the High Court of the Province (Special Provisions) Act No.19 of 1990.
2023-Oct-06 SC/EXP/1/2022 Zainul Abdeen Nazeer AhamedNo. 107, Railway Avenue, Kirulapone, Colombo 05 PETITIONERVs.1.The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, DharussalamNo 51, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02.2.RauffHakeemLeader, Sri Lanka Muslim CongressNo 51, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02.3.A. L. Abdul MajeedChairman, Sri Lanka Muslim CongressNo 51, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02.4.A. C. Raawather Naina MohamedSenior Deputy Leader, Sri Lanka Muslim Congress ressNo 51, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02.19.Br. M. NaeemullahDeputy Chairman, Sri Lanka Muslim CongressNo 51, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02.20.Br. MansoorA. CaderDeputy Secretary, Sri Lanka Muslim CongressNo 51, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02.21.Br. Ziyadh HamieedhDeputy President Majlis –e-Shoora, Sri Lanka Muslim CongressNo 51, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02.22.Br. Rahmath Mansoor Deputy National Coordinating Secretary, Sri Lanka Muslim CongressNo 51, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02.23.Seyed Alizahir MoulanaDeputy National PropagandaSecretary, Sri Lanka Muslim CongressNo 51, Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 02.24.Br. M. Faizal CassimDeputy Nation HON. P. PADMAN SURASENA, J n the matter of an application under and in terms of Article 99 (13) (a) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2023-Oct-06 SC/FR/100/2022 Rannula Sugath Mohana Mendis, Puwakwatta Road, Kithulampititya, Uluwitike, Galle.PETITIONER vs. 1.D. K. A. Sanath Kumara, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Embilipitiya.2.M. N. S. Mendis, Senior Superintendent of Police, Embilipitiya.3.J. S. Wirasekara, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Rathnapura.4.Mahinda Gunarathna, Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police, Sabaragamuwa Province.5.C. D. Wickramaratne, Inspector General of Police, Sri Lanka Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 01.6.Justice Jagath Balapatabendi, Chairman, 7.Indrani Sugathadasa, Member, 8.Dr. T. R. C. Ruberu, Member, 9.Ahamod Lebbe Mohamed Saleem, Member, 10.Leelasena Liyanagama, Member, 11.Dian Gomes, Member, 12. Dilith Jayaweera, Member 13.W. H. Piyadasa, Member, 14.Suntharam Arumainayaham, Member, 15.M. A. B Daya Senarath, Secretary, The 7th to 15th respondents: all of: Public Service Commission, 1200/9, Rajamalwatha Road, Battaramulla.16.Major General (retd). Jagath Alwis, Secretary to the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Public Security, 14th Fl HON. S. THURAIRAJA, PC, J In the matter of an application under and in terms of Articles 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
2023-Oct-06 SC/FR/166/2017 1.J. P. JayasenaHalmillakulama, Nachchaduwa, Anuradhapura2.M.M.M. HeerathNallamudawa, Eppawala.3.S.S.P. WeerasingheHalmillakulama, Nachchaduwa, Anuradhapura.4.P. RanathungaNo. 104, Pahala kuruvita, Hidogama.5.A.R. BandaraMawatha wewa, Eppawela.6.G.W. BandaraKusawa, Nachchaduwa.7.H.P.S.K. WickramasinghePansala laga Niwasa, S.C. (F/R) No. 166/2017 with S.C. (F/R) Nos. 155/2017, 156/2017, 157/2017, 158/2017, 159/2017 & 12/2017S.C. (F/R) No.166/2017and 6 othersJUDGEMENTPage 2of 57Ihala wewa, Galkulama.8.H.B. UdayarathnaSelesthi Maduwa, Nachchaduwa.9.H.M.A. AnandaNo. 61, Mawatha Wewa, Eppawala.10.D.J.B. JayawardanaNachchaduwa wewa para, Ponimankulama, Galkulama.11.H.P.D. KalderaIhala Katugampola, Hidogama.12.P.G.B.U. WeerasingheNo-2 B, Nithulgollawa, Hurulunikawewa.13.W.A.P.S. WanniarachchiL.B. Janapadaya, Megoda Wewa.14.D.M.U.P. BandaraNo-487, C Yaya, Padavi-Parakramapura.15.J.T. KumaraNo-48, Nuwara ElliyaJanapadaya, Padikara Maduwa.S.C. (F/R) No.166/2017and 6 othersJUDGEMENTPage 3of 5716.W.K.G.P. WalpitaNo. 147, Kekiraw HON. S. THURAIRAJA, PC, J n the matter of an application under and in terms of Articles 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2023-Oct-05 SC/FR/169/2008 Balasooriya Arachchige Chandradasa2.Rammuthu Purage Premawathi Suraweera3.SamarathungeArachchige Ranaseeli4.Malalage Chandralatha Peiris5.Pathiranage Niwanthi Perera6.Dona Bandumathi Lokugamage7.Udagedara Appuhamilage Chitra Gethanjali Wimaladasa8.Sudathge Ravindra Athula Theja Hemanatha9.Nandana Jayadasa10.Mahabalage Don Aruni Manoja Jayawardana11.Mestiya Don Jayantha Gunathilaka12.Geethangani Jayathunga13.Jayawardenage Champa Sriyani14.Manathunge Subadhra Manathunga15.Disanayake Mudiyanselage Pushpa Manel Disanayake16.Mabulage Dhanapali Hemalatha17.Kasthuri Mudiyanselage Uthpala Iresha Kasthuri18.Dikkuburage Chandralatha De Silva19.Ranasinghe Arachchige Nadeeka Ranasinghe20.Wickramasinghe Athukoralage Shantha21.Chandima Wijewardana22.Werapurage Sitha Ranjani Fernando23.Suriya Arachchilage Gayani Asanka224.Don Rupasena Vithana25.Adikari Mudiyanselage Thamara Kumari Gunathilaka26.Pathirage Dona Seetha Gajanayake27.Meemange Somawathie28.Chandrani Mangalika Hapuarachchi29.Hollu Pathirage Anura Ananda Caldera30. HON. VIJITH K. MALALGODA, PC,J In the matter of an application under Article 17 read with Article 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2023-Oct-04 SC/APPEAL/116/2015 Kumbukgolle GederaAshokamala, Ihala Arawwala, Dambulla. DEFENDANT-RESPONDENT-APPELLANTVs. Patadendi Gedara Ratnayake, AliasKumbukgolle GederaRatnayake, No. 37A, Ihala Arawwala, Dambulla.PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT-RESPONDENT HON. PRIYANTHA JAYAWARDENA PC, J In the matter of an Applicationfor Leave to Appeal undersection 5C of the High Court ofthe Provinces (Special Provisions)Act, No. 19 of 1990 as amended by Act No. 54 of 2006.
2023-Oct-04 sc/appeal/60/2013 The Attorney General of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Vs. 1. Pettiyawattege Anurudha Perera Samarasinghe 2. Panagoda Liyanage Don Tissa Seneviratne alias Lal 3. Priyantha Anura Siriwardena alias Kotiya 4. Samasundara Mohotti Arachchige Nimal alias Kaluwa 5. Egodawattege Kamal Perera 6. Samasundara Hettiarachchige Hemachandra alias Dayananda alias Sudha ACCUSED AND 1. Pettiyawattege Anurudha Perera Samarasinghe 2. Panagoda Liyanage Don Tissa Seneviratne alias Lal 3. Priyantha Anura Siriwardena alias Kotiya 4. Samasundara Mohotti Arachchige Nimal alias Kaluwa 5. Egodawattege Kamal Perera 6. Samasundara Hettiarachchige Hemachandra alias Dayananda alias Sudha ACCUSED-APPELLANTS Vs. The Attorney General of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. RESPONDENT AND NOW BETWENN Samasundara Mohotti Arachchige Nimal alias Kaluwa 4th ACCUSED-APPELLANT- APPELLANT Vs. The Attorney General of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT HON. P. PADMAN SURASENA, J.
2023-Oct-04 SC/FR/233/18 Warnakuwatthawaduge Surani Lakshika Fernando, No 8/2, Mahajana Road, Kadalana, Moratuwa.PetitionerVs. 1. Police SergeantAttapattu, Police Station, Mount Lavinia.2. I.P Ramya Silva, Officer-in-Charge Minor Offences BranchPolice Station, Mount Lavinia.3. C.I. Chanaka Iddamalgoda, Head Quarter Inspector of PolicePolice StationMount Lavinia.24.Deputy Inspector General of Police, Overseeing Mount Lavinia, Nugegoda, Moratuwa and Kalutara DivisionsPolice Headquarters, Colombo 01.5. N.K Illangakoon, Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 01.5A. C.D Wickramaratne, Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 01.6.Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12.Respondents HON. BUWANEKA ALUWIHARE, PC,J In the matter of an application under Article 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
2023-Oct-04 SC/APPEAL/47/2020 Koruwage Lalith Fernando, Bogalla, Beruwala. 3rd Defendant – Appellant – Appellant vs. Lellupitiyagama Ethige Roslin Hemalatha, Karandagoda, Beruwala. Plaintiff – Respondent – Respondent1.Ihalahewage Don Lionel Ranasinghe, Mahagederawatta, Karandagoda, Beruwala. 2.Jagath Investment (Private) Limited, Owitigala, Matugama. 1st and 2nd Defendants – Respondents – Respondents HON. ARJUNA OBEYESEKERE, J In the matter of an appeal under and in terms of Article 128 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka read with Section 5C of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act, No. 19 of 1990, as amended by Act No. 54 of 2006.
2023-Oct-04 SC/APPEAL/174/2011 1. Ahamed Lebbe Assanar2. AliyarThangammaAll of Udanga, SammanthuraiDefendants-Appellants-AppellantsKose Mohamed Sulaiha Umma ofUdanga, Summanthurai Plaintiff-Respondent-Respondent HON. PRIYANTHA JAYAWARDENA PC, J in the matter of an application for Leave to Appeal in terms of section 5(C)(1) of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act No. 54 of 2006 read together with Article 127 of the Constitution.
2023-Oct-04 SC/APPEAL /121/2011
2023-Oct-03 SC/APPEAL/30/2013 Manthree Aludeniya, Karalliadde Walawwa, TeldeniyaPLAINTIFF RESPONDENT PETITIONER Vs.Ekanayake Mudiyanselage Kande Walawwe Jayantha Karalliadde, Karalliadde, Teldeniya.6thDEFENDANTAPPELLANT RESPONDENT1.Pearl Karalliadde, No. 74/2, Jaya Road, Udahamulla, Nugegoda.2.Saddathissa Bandara Karalliadde, No. 71, Rajapihilla Mawatha, Kandy.3.Kawan Tissa Bandara Karalliadde, Madapola, Karalliadde, Teldeniya.4.Karalliadde Walawwe Anula Karalliadde, Karalliadde, Teldeniya.5.Swarna Kumarihamy Karalliadde, Karalliadde, Teldeniya.7.Ekanayake Mudiyanselage Kande Walawwe Ranjith Karalliadde, Karalliadde, Teldeniya.8.Ekanayake Mudiyanselage Kande Walawwe Sarath Karalliadde, Karalliadde, Teldeniya.9.Ekanayake Mudiyanselage Kande Walawwe Lalinda Karalliadde, Karalliadde, Teldeniya 10.Sriyani Kularatne11.Sarath KularatneBoth of Teldeniya, Karalliadde1stto 5thand 7thto 11thDEFENDANTRESPONDENT RESPONDENTS HON. E. A. G. R. AMARASEKARA, J In the matter of an application for Leave to Appeal in terms of Sec:5(c)(1) of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Amendment Act No. 54 of 2006
2023-Oct-03 SC/APPEAL/75/2015 1A.D.A. Kaluarachchi, 2A.H.G. Piyadasa, Both of “Singhagiri”, Kandurupokuna, TangalleSubstituted Complainant-Petitioner-Respondent-PetitionersVs.1.Hatharasinghe Arachchige Ranjith Premalal, 2.Hatharasinghe Arachchige Gnanasiri, 3.Hatharasinghe Arachchige Amitha Kanthi, Respondent-Respondent-Appellant-RespondentsCommissioner of Agrarian Services, Office of the Agrarian Services, Hambantota.4thRespondent-Respondent-Respondent HON. A. L. SHIRAN GOONERATNE, J In the matter of an application for Special Leave to Appeal.
2023-Oct-03 SC/APPEAL/89/2014 Watte Waduge Nalani Ranaweera, Presently of Udugammana, Anguruwatota.Plaintiff-Appellant-Petitioner/AppellantVs.Ranulu Timesu Kanweera Seneviratne, Maha Yala, Anguruwatota. 8A Defendant-Respondent-Respondent HON. MURDU N. B. FERNANDO, PC, J
2023-Oct-02 SC/APPEAL/190/2016 Liyana Athukoralalage Indrawathie, 1/418, Madugashandiya, Mandawala.Plaintiff-Appellant-AppellantVs.1.Galolu Kankanamalage Dharmasena, Mee Ambawatte, Mandawala.2.Gunarathna Arachchilage Don Linton Gunarathna, No. 208/A, Mahamera Road, Ihala Lunugama, Mandawala.Defendant-Respondent-Respondents HON. JANAK DE SILVA, J In the matter of an application for Leave to Appeal under Article 128 of the Constitution read along with Section 5(1)(C)of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act No. 54 of 2006
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